The vision

A tribal health organization saw an opportunity in the sunset of its Indian Health Services-supplied electronic health record (EHR) system of 30 years. A new EHR could augment the holistic patient care it provided, reduce healthcare disparities, and achieve better health outcomes. Selecting a vendor that could accommodate the enterprise’s unique clinical and operational needs would be critical.

Co-creating the solution

The organization partnered with Chartis to set up the effort for success. Given the number of diverse stakeholders in the tribal nation, efficient and inclusive decision-making was paramount. 

A comprehensive assessment uncovered what was unique to the organization, identifying tribal-specific needs. Those included better case management, lifelong preventive care, and integration of socioeconomic assistance programs. Using an independent structured review of the vendor landscape and scoring criteria, the organization could then assess vendor functionality against its strategic goals to make an informed decision.

Believe in better

The newly selected EHR addresses tribal-specific healthcare needs, connecting the dots for whole-person care and services across the tribal nation. It also supports highly integrated, standardized referral workflows and complex eligibility functionality (e.g., tracking tribal membership). The organization is positioned to improve health outcomes in key areas like cancer, heart disease, maternal-child health, pulmonology, and behavioral health.

Chartis served an invaluable role in transforming the way we deliver care to our tribal members and other patients by ensuring that the new EHR system was optimized according to our goals.   

They helped us understand our current operational strengths and opportunities and plan for an EHR that will improve patient access, patient safety, patient care, and patient and staff experience while improving our financial position.

-Physician leader at the tribal health organization

Building to better

Selecting an EHR to fit an organization’s unique needs requires:
    that includes early input from key stakeholders 
    that identifies special needs and mitigates potential barriers
    that ensures a commitment to the strategy and accountability

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