Advanced information sharing can empower hospitals and health systems and their care partners to deliver more efficient care with stronger outcomes. But what is the best way to move from siloed housing of patient data to openly sharing accurate information across technology platforms and care partners?
Getting data sharing right goes well beyond simply following regulatory requirements. Hospitals and health systems need a holistic strategy for sharing patient and care partner data. We call this new approach “connected for health.”
While the technology is important, success weighs just as heavily on the care partner relationship and the people and process components. This whitepaper includes a checklist of the critical success factors for a holistic strategy that enables optimal outcomes and savings for your patients, clinicians, care partners, and organization.
“To meet tomorrow’s standard of patient care, healthcare organizations and their care partners have to get data sharing right. Investing in being connected for health has the power to improve access to care and outcomes, increase productivity, reduce costs and errors, and enhance experience.”