Hospital at Home Collection

Care at home drives stronger results

Receiving care at home leads to greater patient satisfaction and better outcomes. Concurrently, health systems can increase inpatient bed availability and cut the costs of an inpatient stay, and payers can share in these savings. This collection offers key insights into establishing and optimizing hospital care delivered in the home.

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Hospital at Home Supply Chain

Why Hospital at Home, and why now?

For leaders seeking clarity on the potential strategic value of hospital at home, a familiar analog offers some interesting lessons: the evolution of the ambulatory surgery center (ASC) sector.

Client results

Group of doctors applauding

Hospital at home program stuck? Harness the power of your people

Organizations that are launching or aiming to accelerate growth in their hospital at home programs should consider these 4 fundamental communications and change management principles. 

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How to get your hospital at home program out of first gear

Leaders from Johns Hopkins and Chartis discuss how to safely and sustainably scale your hospital at home program.


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