Jacob Galante is a Partner in Strategic Transformation. Jacob brings 10 years of experience in healthcare leading strategic and operational consulting engagements with academic medical centers, community hospitals, integrated delivery networks, and health systems across the country. Jacob's expertise extends over partnerships (i.e., mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, etc.), enterprise strategy and growth, strategic pricing/managed care and payer strategy, ambulatory strategy, consumer analytics, and change management.
Across his career, Jacob has led engagements in over 25 markets with some of the largest and most influential healthcare entities in the country; his clients have spanned providers, health plans, payers, and other for-profit businesses across the healthcare continuum.
Prior to joining Chartis, Jacob was a Director within Optum Advisory Services’ Strategy practice. Jacob has also held roles within private equity and the broader financial services sector.
Jacob received his Bachelor of Science in finance from Philadelphia University.

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